iLabXP – The iLab Experience

Learning how Networked and Distributed Systems work!

iLab2 winter term 2019 started

As already announced in the our previous blog post, a new run of the iLab2 practical course started at the Technical University of Munich in October.

With 20 participants the course was fully booked and the students are highly motivated, as can be seen in the image of this years course highlighted at the top.

The iLab2 consists of two parts:

  1. Classical ilab exercises that teach the participants about selected computer networking topics like IPv6, BGP, WWW-Security or Smart Space Orchestration using IoT Hard- and Software.
  2. Creation of a completely new (mini) exercise by each participating team.

For the second part we set the focus for this year on the following aspects:

  • IoT middleware and communication protocols
  • IoT security
  • Prediction and Machine Learning in the area of IoT

As always we are curious which cool exercises our students will create this semester, especially as they will build upon the virtual iLab (vLab) that is also used for our iLabX – The Internet Masterclass MOOC on edX. This means the resulting exercises will be highly portable and not require access to our lab room at TUM in order to work.

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